Poll: Unanimous Vote For Dick Graham Stand

A unanimous thirty percent of you voted for a tribute stand for town resident & ex-manager, Dick Graham, at the WHCS.

This website`s latest poll, devised after a recent unofficial bid by a group of fans on the official club message board, also gave voters individuals like the great Micky Cook, or former skipper, Karl Duguid, to choose from.

The campaign to recognise Graham formally for his efforts at the club’s new stadium began this summer. He helped Colchester defeat Leeds United in an all-time F.A. Cup shock in 1971.

The proposal, so far supported by 260 fans on Facebook, involves renaming the current West Stand in this former United manager`s honour.

The club has yet to respond, but Vital Colchester have already declared a wholehearted support for the scheme, which was detailed in an article posted here.

This poll proved one of the most popular and hotly contested on the site in three and a half years of U`s coverage and debate.

More illustrious suggestions behind Graham being considered for a possible stand were also Micky Cook, (three percent), Karl Duguid (nine percent) and Peter Heard, ex-chair and now Life President, (six percent).

Duguid and Cook were both great servants to the club, while Heard leant his own money to the U`s cause when times very tough in the 1990s.

The Layer Road Stand, after Colchester`s affectionately-known old ground, attracted nine percent of the vote, while the iconic Barside was just behind, with seven percent.

Yet, in these money-conscious times, seventeen percent voted that representing nostalgia could prove an expensive mistake. The second-most popular option was selling the naming rights to a sponsor, sadly.

The remaining choices were inspired choices, based upon Colchester`s history and heritage; all except, that is, the Rejects Stand, which three percent felt would be a good way of remembering the worst players ever to wear stripes.

Although four percent thought none of the suggestions were any good, a combined eleven percent also though respecting Roman heritage, confirmed the Boudicca Stand, or recgnising the town`s reputation for developing modern nursery rhymes, might be acceptable.

Vote on the latest poll – how many games will injury-ravenged striker Steven Gillespie play next season?

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